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Moutushi Banerjee
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BORN: 28th September 1975 |
- 2002 - M.A. Printmaking, Wimbledon School of Art, London.
- 2000 - M.A. Printmaking, M.S. University, Baroda, India.
- 1998 - B.F.A. Graphic Art, Kalabhavan, Santiniketan, India.
- 2007 – 08 - Visiting lecturer at Center for Design, Jain College, Bangalore.
- 2004 - 05 - Teacher for Art & Design, Mallya Aditi International School, Bangalore.
- 2002 - 04 - Lecturer in Printmaking, School of Performing Arts & Creative Education, Rai University, New Delhi.
- 2002 - Voluntary assistant, Prints & Drawing Section, O.I.A.C, British Library, London.
- 2001 - Craft illustration at BAG BOOKS, a blind children's charity organisation, London.
- 1996, 97, 98 - Story-writing, illustrating and printing of three Children's storybooks.
2006 - “Footprints”, an exhibition of prints by 30 women printmakers from India and abroad, at Colab Gallery, Bangalore and Chemould, Mumbai. 2006 - “Nostalgia”, a joint show at Rightlines Art Gallery, Bangalore. 2005 - “Identity Conundrums”, a joint show at Cymroza Art Gallery, Mumbai. 2004 - The ‘Making' of India, show commemorating the 15th year of SAHAMAT. 2003 - Dreams: Projects Unrealised, Academy of Art & Literature, N. Delhi. 2000 - Prints exhibited at Chitram Art Gallery, Cochin, India. 1999 - Birla Academy of Art and Culture Annual Show, Calcutta. 1999 - 13th All India Art Contest and Exhibition, Nagpur, India. 1999 - Show at Calcutta Information Center, by the Rashtriya Lalit Kala Kendra. 1998 - Sixth All India Arts Exhibition by the AVANTIKA Foundation, New Delhi. 1997 – 98, 01 - AIFACS Annual Exhibition, New Delhi. 1996 – 97, 01 - Academy of Fine Arts Annual Exhibitions, Calcutta.
- 2005 - “Heavenly Bodies”, a group show at the A gallery, Wimbledon, London.
- 2002 - The Tangible Art Event, London.
- 2002 - BHF Bank Exhibition, London.
- 2001 - Wrexham Print International Biennale, Wales, UK.
- 2002 - Solo Show at Nehru Center, India High Commission London.
- 2001 - 02 - Commonwealth Fellowship for Arts and Crafts, UK.
- 2001 - 02 - Charles Wallace India Trust Award for Visual Arts, British Council, UK.
- 2000 - 01 - Lalit Kala Academy scholarship
- 2000 - Gold Medal from Faculty of Fine Arts, M.S.University, Baroda.
- 1998 - AIFACS scholarship award, New Delhi.
- 1998 - Silver Medal from the AVANTIKA Foundation, New Delhi.
- 1993 - 98 - Merit scholarship from Kalabhavan Visva Bharati, Santiniketan.